Minne di Sant'Agata (Catania)

On the occasion of the Feast of Sant'Agata, which is celebrated from February the third to February the fifth, it is very common to find around Catania the so-called "Minne di Sant'Agata". The shape of this typical dessert alludes to the martyrdom of the Saint, whose breasts were torn under the order of the Roman proconsul Quinziano after he was rejected by the lady. According to tradition, they must always be eaten in even numbers, just like the two breasts.
The Minne di Sant'Agata, also called "Minnuzze", have a hemispherical shape. They are nothing more than mini cassatine made with a sponge cake, filled with sheep's milk ricotta that is processed with sugar and enriched with candied fruit and dark chocolate.
Here the ingredients to make the perfect Minne di Sant'Agata at home:
For the shortcrust pastry:
- 485 g of flour 00;
- 150 g of icing sugar;
- 1 vanilla pod;
- 190 g of butter;
- 3 yolks.
For the filling:
- 600 g of sheep's milk ricotta;
- 80 g of candied orange;
- 100 g of dark chocolate;
- 100 g of sugar a veil;
- 1 Orange peel.
For the glaze:
- 525 g of icing sugar;
- 3 egg whites;
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice;
- 10 candied cherries.
Enjoy your meal !